The TEDprize is a small (and the only publicly available) live part of the TED conference, which features a lot of brilliant minds, artists and presenters from all over the world. Above is a picture of the TED stage in the Long Beach Center of Performing Arts during the start of one of the earlier sessions of the conference (source: rom).
00:31 Stream accessible
00:59 Music starts playing (but no image yet...)
01:05 Yeah, live image finally works!
01:07 Chris Anderson takes the stage :-)
01:13 Review of last year's wishes
01:18 Sir Richard Branson introduces first winner: Jill Tarter
01:39 1st wish: develop / join / support the SETI project
01:46 TED conference just got Jill a production company & an award winning film maker to spread the word about the idea
01:50 More reviews...
01:53 Al Gore introduces 2nd winner: Sylvia Earle
02:02 Connection to reality: Sylvia is the "idea" behind Google Earth's newly released ocean coverage
02:13 2nd wish: support gloal network of marine protection
02:18 Offers: website-building, film-campaign, workforce of Coca Cola's former marketing executive
02:22 Even more reviews...
02:26 Live music (piano)
02:31 Quincy Jones introduces 3rd winner José Antonio Abreu (winner only available through satellite link from Caracas, 2nd introduction onstage by Benjamin Zander)
02:51 Connection to Caracas established!
02:52 3rd wish: establish a US-version of "El Sistema" for American children
02:53 Boston Music Conservatory (?) will run the program, Quincy Jones will help getting 25 music organisations together to engage in the program
02:56 Live music from Caracas, conducted by Gustavo Dudamel
02:58 Satellite link breaks down :-( Oh, back again!
02:58 Live music continues
03:12 Music finished, great tune!!
03:14 Farewell from Chris Anderson (the end seems to be near...)
03:18 Long Beach TEDsters leave for celebration reception
03:19 The End is here; stream stops image...
03:21 Good night ;-)
00:31 Stream accessible
00:59 Music starts playing (but no image yet...)
01:05 Yeah, live image finally works!
01:07 Chris Anderson takes the stage :-)
01:13 Review of last year's wishes
01:18 Sir Richard Branson introduces first winner: Jill Tarter
01:39 1st wish: develop / join / support the SETI project
01:46 TED conference just got Jill a production company & an award winning film maker to spread the word about the idea
01:50 More reviews...
01:53 Al Gore introduces 2nd winner: Sylvia Earle
02:02 Connection to reality: Sylvia is the "idea" behind Google Earth's newly released ocean coverage
02:13 2nd wish: support gloal network of marine protection
02:18 Offers: website-building, film-campaign, workforce of Coca Cola's former marketing executive
02:22 Even more reviews...
02:26 Live music (piano)
02:31 Quincy Jones introduces 3rd winner José Antonio Abreu (winner only available through satellite link from Caracas, 2nd introduction onstage by Benjamin Zander)
02:51 Connection to Caracas established!
02:52 3rd wish: establish a US-version of "El Sistema" for American children
02:53 Boston Music Conservatory (?) will run the program, Quincy Jones will help getting 25 music organisations together to engage in the program
02:56 Live music from Caracas, conducted by Gustavo Dudamel
02:58 Satellite link breaks down :-( Oh, back again!
02:58 Live music continues
03:12 Music finished, great tune!!
03:14 Farewell from Chris Anderson (the end seems to be near...)
03:18 Long Beach TEDsters leave for celebration reception
03:19 The End is here; stream stops image...
03:21 Good night ;-)
Das is ja alles auf Englisch!!! Mir hätte ein "Jo, hat sich gelohnt!" oder "Diesen Mist schau ich mir nie wieder an!" vollkommen gereicht ;) Wie wars denn jetzt nun letztendlich? (Falls du das oben schon geschrieben haben solltest: ich weiger mich, englisch zu lesen *g*)
AntwortenLöschenHab übrigens meine Geld-ausm-Fenster-Schleuder-Aktion von gestern Abend jetzt so langsam verdaut ;)
LG, Jan-Henrik
Hope you enjoyed it, and the night wasn't to short.
AntwortenLöschenJa, war schon allein wegen der Musik aus Venezuela die Zeit wert...!
AntwortenLöschen@Jan: Gut, dass du das überstanden hast! Manchmal ist man (du :-D) aber auch unachtsam :-p Und mit der Sprache musst du dich halt abfinden, hab das eben einfach geschrieben, wie es mir in den Kopf kam. Und war dann halt irgendwie Englisch...