Just arrived at Dublin Airport after a short 40 minutes flight from Cork. This time, I took AerArann with their quite new turboprop fleet. The picture taken with my mobile shows one of their aircrafts on the apron in Cork. However, my actual plane was the old version in the less attractive livery... Judging from the onboard signs, it was previously owned by a German airline. But that must have been a long time ago! Now its time to wait for the AerLingus flight to Frankfurt... Already have some material for a post on that...
Good & save journey back to Frankfurt. See you later on in the evening.
AntwortenLöschenDurchgelesen und für gut empfunden. Prädikat: Besonders wertvoll.
AntwortenLöschen(Weiß nicht so ganz, warum ich das jetzt hier schreibe, aber ich tu's trotzdem)
LG, Jan-Henrik
Andrew, Erin and I flew on Aer Arann from Cork to Belfast about a year ago. It was on one of their new turbo-prop planes like in your picture but was still pretty sketchy. The ride was really loud and bumpy. And at one point they revved the engines very fast because "there was dangerous ice buildup on the wings." Not exactly the most comforting thing you like to hear from the pilot.