Sooo, hier dann mal Butter bei die Fische: Ein paar (2) Bilder der Masterarbeit(en). Insgesamt gibt es fünf Exemplare, wovon dann nächste Woche drei abgegeben werden. Alles in allem nicht wirklich günstig in der Anschaffung, aber das Geld wert... Wer will schon das repräsentative Ergebnis eines ganzen Abschlusses in einer qualitativen Billigfassung?
[English version]
As you might have guessed from the pictures above: These are the hardcopies of my thesis. There are five copies, whilst only three have to be submitted next week. The charged basically an arm and a leg for the copies, but who really wants to have the results of a whole degree in a cheap package?
[English version]
As you might have guessed from the pictures above: These are the hardcopies of my thesis. There are five copies, whilst only three have to be submitted next week. The charged basically an arm and a leg for the copies, but who really wants to have the results of a whole degree in a cheap package?
congratulations on finishing your thesis!
AntwortenLöschenWow, sieht seeeehr professionell aus, Herr MA (darf man ja bald sagen, oder? ;)).
AntwortenLöschenLG, Lena